On July 19-20, 2024, the Lifelong Learning Program (PSH), organized by the Advanced Education Training Unit (ULPL) in collaboration with the Department of Sports, Co-curriculum, and Culture (JSKK), and the English Language Unit of the General Studies Department at Polytechnic Port Dickson, was held in Bintulu, Sarawak. The program focused on the community of Kampung Jepak, SMK Kemena, and the Orphan Welfare Board (PERYATIM).
The inaugural PSH program, the Creative Works Project: Write Right Initiative, was conducted on Friday, July 19, 2024 in SMK Kemena. The school’s Parent-Teacher Association (PIBG) in collaboration with the Committee of English Language (Panitia Bahasa Inggeris) took the initiative to request and invite English lecturers of Politeknik Port Dickson, providing suitable enrichment program for their students and children. This program aimed to encourage and boost students' motivation for the SPM English Paper 3.
The second program, Creative Works: Innovation Adventure, was specially designed and planned for the Orphan Welfare Board (PERYATIM) in Bintulu. This program introduced an adapted model of Design Thinking, enriching the children's journey of learning the English language.
Job well done to Madam Noor Darliza Binti Mohd Zamri, Madam Noor Alina Binti Namami and Miss Susan S Magallanes for their on making this program a success and congratulations for completing the department’s PSH KPI of the year. Congratulations and well done.